Many Years — Многая Лета!
![]() We would like to welcome into Orthodoxy the newly illumined (baptized) children Zachary and Alexandra Cinek who was brought into the love and grace of God’s family through the Sacraments of Baptism & Chrismation on Sunday the 24th of March. We pray that the Lord’s hand will guide them throughout their future years and keep them healthy and faithful in His ways and in His word and prayer. Many Years — Многая Лета! ![]() On the weekend of the feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Justinian, the Holy Relics of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) were brought to the Russian Orthodox Church of Three Saints, Garfield NJ. Before the Vigil service on Saturday evening, with the pealing of bells and the joyous singing of the Troparion to St. Luke; the rector of the parish, Archpriest George Konyev brought the Relics to the church for veneration. Once again, on Sunday morning, the Holy Relics of St. Luke were brought out of the Holy Altar for veneration. A large amount of faithful flocked to Three Saints Church for the Divine Liturgy commemorating the Triumph of Orthodoxy, as well as to lift up their prayers to the Holy Hierarch Luke. After the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Relics were brought to Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Passaic for the annual Lenten Vespers. ![]() During the First Week of the Great and Holy Fast, as it is customary - the Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete was preformed. The Great Canon of St Andrew, Bishop of Crete, is the longest canon in all of our services, and is associated with Great Lent, since the only times it is appointed to be read in church are the first four nights of Great Lent (Clean Monday through Clean Thursday, at Great Compline) and at Matins for Thursday of the fifth week of Great Lent, when it is read in its entirety. There is no other sacred hymn which compares with this monumental work, which St Andrew wrote for his personal meditations. Nothing else has its extensive typology and mystical explanations of the scripture, from both the Old and New Testaments. One can almost consider this hymn to be a “survey of the Old and New Testament”. Its other distinguishing features are a spirit of mournful humility, hope in God, and complex and beautiful Trinitarian Doxologies and hymns to the Theotokos in each Ode. The canon is a dialog between St. Andrew and his soul. The ongoing theme is an urgent exhortation to change one’s life. St Andrew always mentions his own sinfulness placed in juxtaposition to God’s mercy, and uses literally hundreds of references to good and bad examples from the Old Testament and New Testament to “convince himself” to repent. Source: www.orthodox.net ![]() We would like to welcome into Orthodoxy the newly illumined (baptized) baby Sophia Manna who was brought into the love and grace of God’s family through the Sacraments of Baptism & Chrismation on Sunday the 3rd of March. We pray that the Lord’s hand will guide her throughout her future years and keep her healthy and faithful in His ways and in His word and prayer. Many Years — Многая Лета! |
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May 2015