Church Canons

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Taken by themselves, the canon laws of the Church can be misleading and frustrating, and therefore superficial. People will say 'either enforce them all or discard them completely.' But taken as a whole within the wholeness of Orthodox life — theological, historical, canonical, and spiritual — these canons do assume their proper place and purpose and show themselves to be a rich source for discovering the living Truth of God in the Church. In viewing the canons of the Church, the key factors are Christian knowledge and wisdom which are borne from technical study and spiritual depth. There is no other 'key' to their usage; and any other way would be according to the Orthodox faith both unorthodox and unchristian.”
From An Explanation of Canon Law - Orthodox Church in America
From An Explanation of Canon Law - Orthodox Church in America
Articles |
The Early Church Fathers - Christian Classics Ethereal Library at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI.
Canons and Canonical Consciousness - By Fr. Nicholas Afanasiev. |
The 85 Canons of the Holy and Altogether August Apostles, plus the Canons of the First through Fourth Ecumenical Councils (see links further down this page) constitute what is known as “The Rudder.” Ecumenical Councils - To navigate, use the “forward” and “back” buttons at the top and bottom of each page, or return to the Table of Contents with the “TOC” button at the top of each page.
Council of Sardica - 343 A.D. Canon V. Sardica was the first synod which asserted, in some sense, Roman primacy in the Church. From the Fordham University (Roman Catholic) web site.
Appendix - Containing Canons and Rulings Not Haviiing Conciliar Origin but approved by name in Canon II of the Synod in Trullo. Prefatory Note Links and layout courtesy Orthodox Church and Bible Study Links at: |